Sunday, December 4, 2011

Not Quite 1/4 Century

I know, I know. My blog title is relevant for what? A year.  Well, we're going for it. And besides... I'm not quite 1/4 century yet!

That said, I have NO THEME for my blog. Which is a problem because most blogs seem to have a theme: people moving to another country and blogging to keep up with their family; people buying a house, gutting it, and documenting their progress for the world to ooo and ahhhh at; people getting married/starting families/being parents/being amazing cooks.... Yeah, I'm not any of that. :)

I like to cook when I have the time. I don't really like to bake, even though I do kind of often. I like to knit and crochet when I have the time (which hasn't been a lot lately because E and I just got kittens. And by "just", I mean almost 2 months ago). I like to read. I hate vacuuming. I think it's because of the noise. Blocks out one of my senses and I'm just positive there's someone sneaking into my house to kill me while I'm distracted. I like pasta. I hate mushrooms (they're fungus. Why would anyone want to eat fungus?).

Let's see... What are some exciting things happening in my life?

  1. My best friend and her husband left on Tuesday for two years in Côte d'Ivoire (Ivory Coast - its on the bottom of that bump in western Africa). I haven't decided how to feel about this yet. Happily, I haven't cried. Sadly, I still miss her, even though we've gone longer than this without talking.
  2. On October 8, E and I adopted two perfectly adorable kittens. They were born in mid-July-ish and are little rascals. At the shelter, their names were Brutis and Benny. Who names a kitten Brutis? Seriously. Anyway, now their names are Basil and Mr. Buttons and I spoil them something fierce. 
  3. Mr. Buttons (L) and Basil (R)
  4. I'm starting grad school in January. I'm going for a masters in technical communication. I loved school, but after being done for 3.5 years (wow...), I'm a little nervous about the whole going-to-class, doing-loads-of-homework thing. 
I think that's about it for now. Eventually I'll figure out what I'm going to talk about here. But they always say the first step is the hardest. I'm not sure who "they" is, but setting up a blog is surprisingly easy. Of course, I just went with one of the regular templates, but hey, I'm no graphic designer. :)

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